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CATC Inspector Advanced USB Bus & Protocol Analyzer

Computer Access Technology Corporation (CATC)

Type :
Last Update:

Universal Serial Bus AX, HX
Bus Analyzer
{ts '1997-10-21 09:49:02'}

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The CATC Inspector* Advanced USB Bus & Protocol Analyzer is an invaluable development and test tool for USB designers. When connected to any point in a USB network, the analyzer continuously monitors all bus activities and alerts the user to abnormal bus conditions via a graphical user interface. Use of the CATC Inspector analyzer promotes the development of compliant USB devices, simplifies the design process, and reduces the time required to develop and test USB components, software, and systems.

The Inspector analyzer turns any Intel 386(TM), 486(TM) or Pentium(R) processor (including laptops and notebooks) into a USB test station. The Inspector package includes a stand-alone Inspector box, Breakout Board, necessary cables, AC power supply, Windows*-based software (3.1, 95, and NT* versions), and comprehensive documentation (including on-line help).

The CATC Inspector analyzer builds on the success of the Detective* analyzer, adding four major features: (1) operation with any PC having a parallel port; (2) data recording triggered by real-time USB events; (3) provision of real time USB event decoding signals; and (4) recording of four user-provided external signals along with the USB traffic.

The Inspector software scans the collected data and displays it in several meaningful formats. Data can be viewed as a continuous stream (filling the entire display line with data), or as complete transactions (with each line dedicated to one protocol packet, such as token, data, or handshake).

A powerful search function enables investigation of particular bus events, identifying and highlighting specific events such as Bad PID, Undefined PID, Bad CRC, Bad Stuffing Bits, Missing Frames, etc. Colors of displayed packet fields can be user specified.

The user can print any part of the data and save all or selected portions of the data on disk for later viewing. The program also provides a variety of timing information.

Tool Features:

  • PC-Based Advanced Bus & Protocol Analyzer

  • Recording Triggered by Real-Time USB Events

  • Specifiable Pre/Post Trigger Recording Ratio

  • Records Four Channels of User Logic Signals

  • Provides Event Decoding Signals Externally

  • Non-Intrusive USB System Connection

  • Captures Both Full- and Low-Speed Traffic

  • Highlights Abnormal Bus Conditions

  • Graphical Windows 3.1/95/NT Environment

  • Preserves Bus Timing Information

  • Decodes Generic/Hub/HID/Other Device Classes

  • Development Platform(s):

    PC (Windows 3.1/95/NT)

    File Attachments:

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8X930 - 68ldLCC
    8X930 - 68ldPLCC
    8X930X - 68ldLCC
    8X930X - 68ldPLCC


    Vendor Information:

    Computer Access Technology Corporation (CATC)

    2403 Walsh Avenue
    Santa Clara , CA 95051-1302
    (408) 727-6600

    Email :
    Fax : (408) 727-6622
    Toll Free : (800) 909-2282
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

    * Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation